English please!

So... I've decided to write an entire post in English... That's right.

And you should be asking "What will you talk about", well I don't really know. Some random things I guess.

Moving on.

My head is completely out of ideas! You know, when you wanna write something and the words don't come out? That's what happening right now!

(Actualy they are coming out pretty damn fast and without any common sense).

So... I just wanna say I hope you like the new blog design (ohh you better do or I'll bitch slap you!).

I was wondering if you couldn't just sharing it on your Facebook wall or anything... Just to get a couple more followers. It would be so awesome to have some cool fans... Mine is broken, i mean, i have a glove with a bunch of pin tags following me? Wtf is that... (She's gonna kill me for that one...lolol)

Anyway, read what a write down, if you like it then share it!



PS: I swear i'll start writing down more thing in English cause i actually need to practice it a lot.



©2011 Infantilidades, Todos os direitos reservados. I Lol'd.
Infantilidades. Com tecnologia do Blogger.

Gosta-me :D

Saibam como faço dinheiro!

Who am I?

Pouco ou nada tenho para dizer sobre mim. Nasci no Canadá, vivi 12 anos de puro divertimento e... vim para Portugal, até hoje. A partir dai, também me diverti, mas não é a mesma coisa. Tenho uma certa vontade de falar sobre variadíssimos temas que me passam pela cabeça assim de longe a longe.

They Like me!!!



Programa-mos o futuro